Monday 27 April 2009

Do you meditate?

If you didn't think I was 100% flakey, this should clinch it. I meditate. Is it boring? For me no, but there can't be anything more boring than sitting there doing nothing, besides watching golf and bowling which I can't watch cause it's too boring. Now I don't want to go to far off course from my previous entries, and I suppose I won't here. If you meditate and lets say you aren't satisfied with your practice. You can't concentrate, your mind wonders far too much, you aren't getting any of the outward indications of good meditation such has warm hands or body, a happy peaceful feeling, or very soft undectable breathing. There is a remedy for that, pretty much instant.......thats right, you guessed it, vitamin supplementation. In particular vitamin C. The first time I noticed it was supplementing on zinc glucotanate. I get all those positive indications before I began to dable in the dark arts of vitamin megadosing but this has moved it to a new level, one that I haven't seen for many years. It's a long story which I'm not going to explain here. I only want to report that if you are a new age basket case like myself and long for a theta state consciousness massage, actually I'm aiming for delta, find the necessary literature, read up, and beg, borrow, or steal the vital nutrients to get you if not into, at least pointed at mukti mode. Sahaj nirvikalpi samadhi or bust!

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